Gulf Coast Camellia Society

Show Results Covington, LA- January 9, 2016

Grand Marshal Var.
C. japonica 'Grand Marshal Variegated'
Northshore Camellia Club
January 9, 2016
Southern Hotel
428 East Boston Street
Covington, Louisiana

Show Chairman - Hunter Charbonnet
1521 Blooms Exhibited
174 Attendees
82 Exhibitors


Gold Certificate (unprotected): 69 Blue Ribbons, John Grimm
Silver Certificate (unprotected): 46 Blue Ribbons, Tommy Weeks

Gold Certificate (protected): 32 Blue Ribbons, Hal Vanis
Silver Certificate (protected): 31 Blue Ribbons, Jim Smelley


C. japonica unprotected:
Lg/VLg: 'Veiled Beauty', Tommy Weeks
RU: 'Al Ewan', Tommy Weeks
Md/Md Lg: 'Grand Marshal Var.', Tommy Weeks
RU: 'Elaine's Betty Red Var.', Al & Vickie Baugh
Sm: 'Black Gold', Ron & Dean Benko
RU: 'Grace Albritton', Paul Huerkamp
Mn: 'Ellen Daniel', Richard Hooton
RU: 'Little Slam', Paul Huerkamp

C. japonica protected:
Lg/VLg: 'Tomorrow', Hal Vanis
RU: 'Georgia National Fair', Hal Vanis
Md/Md Lg: 'Elaine's Betty Var.', Jim Smelley
RU: 'Dragon Fireball', Hal Vanis
Sm: 'Ellen Daniel', Jim Smelley
RU: 'Kay Berridge', Jim Smelley

C. reticulata (Inc. hybrids w/retic parent) unprotected:
Lg/VLg: 'Frank Houser', Hunter Charbonnet
RU: 'Hulyn's Meadowbrook', Hunter Charbonnet
Sm/Md Lg: 'Lois Boudreaux', Hunter Charbonnet
RU: 'Black Lace Peony', Richard Hooton

C. reticulata (Inc. hybrids w/retic parent) protected:
Lg/VLg: 'Ray Gentry Var.', Jim Smelley
RU: 'Ray Gentry', Hal Vanis
Sm/Md Lg: 'Bev Piet Var.', Hal Vanis
RU: 'Elizabeth B. Hunt', Jim Smelley

C. hybrid (w/no retic parent) unprotected:
BB: 'Pink Dahlia', Roger Vinson
RU: 'Betts Supreme', Hunter Charbonnet

C. hybrid (w/no retic parent) protected:
BB: 'Mona Jury Var.', Jim Smelley
RU: 'Mona Jury', Jim Smelley

Best White Bloom: 'Hope Griffin', Hunter Charbonnet

Best Species (sasanqua, hiemalis, etc).:
BB: 'Egao', Kay Clark

Best japonica seedling: 'Rachel Claire Seedling', Tommy Weeks

Best Sport Bloom: 'Elaine's Betty Blush Sport', Gordon Rabalais


Tray of Three japonica - same or different varieties unprotected: 'Willard Scott', 'Lady Vansittart Pink', 'Betty Sheffield Supreme', Hunter Charbonnet
Tray of Three reticulata//hybrid/other species - same or different varieties unprotected 'Frank Houser', 'Frank Houser', 'Frank Houser Var.', Hunter Charbonnet

Tray of Three japonica - same or different varieties protected: 'Georgia National Fair', Hal Vanis
Tray of Three reticulata/hybrid/other species - same or different varieties protected 'First Blush', Jim Smelley

Best Antique Bloom (Pre 1900) - Florence Crowder Award: 'Bella Romano', Richard Hooton


Best Red - any species: 'Red Bloom', Rose Anne Brodie
Best Pink - any species: 'Pink Bloom', Rose Anne Brodie
Best White - any species: 'White Bloom', Pam Head
Best Striped - any species: 'Striped Bloom', C. K. & Hurley Griffing